Current Pass
1st Pass

11 AL (After Landing)

Early Summer

Month 13

Summer has finally come around again. Temperatures are expected to range from a high of 80°F (26°C) to a low of 65°F (18°C) making this summer warmer than normal. On some days you can expect a light cool breeze and evening are quickly warming up.


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Current Events

14 of Galateath's 16 eggs hatch healthy and find partners. Congratulations.

This summer is warming up to be a hot one; as temperature are already warmer than normal.

Delanth has lain a clutch of 8 eggs; how many will hatch and will they be healthy.

Congratulations to the newest searched candidates.


Caldera Weyr


Adrienne of Gold Galateath


M'kael of Bronze Zharath

Cibola Weyr


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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are Copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967-2009, all rights reserved. The Dragonriders of Pern® is Reg U.S. Pat & Tm. Office, by Anne McCaffrey, and may not be used or reproduced without permission of the author.

All content herein are Copyright © 2009 Pern: Chronicles. Characters are Copyright © to their respective authors.
Pern: Chronicles

Pern was to be a new Earth for those who settled on it, it was as close to Earth many could get in fact. Though new flora and fauna was found, and some peculiar tridactyl clawed creatures which came to be called Dragonets enraptured many, and soon were found to be quite bondable. Later, smaller pentadactyl clawed ones, called Firelizards were born, modified from the original Dragonets by the Geneticists. They became quite popular and trainable pets to the people who didn’t seem to mind the presence of both wild and partnered Firelizards and Dragonets, as mischievous as they could be. 8 Years after Landing that happiness was shattered by a mycorrhizoid organism that came to be known as ’Thread’. After the devastating blow it dealt to the colony, leaving many families dead or injured, it was decided something needed to be done. It was the Firelizards and Dragonets that gave them the key to their salvation after seeing them flame the silver strands to ash using an ingested phosphine stone to produce flame.

It was from this the ‘Dragon’ project was commenced, an elderly woman was the head of the project and a talented geneticist she was. Much of the colony was moved into a dormant volcano kept at a comfortable warmth by the thermal passages below it. The other half to follow soon as the project was completed. During creation it was up to the Sled pilots to protect the remaining people in the colony, attaching flame throwers to their sled they fought ’Thread’ and kept everyone safe. It was shortly after the project was completed and three clutches of eggs created that the elderly geneticist pass on in her sleep. Her daughter however talented was envious of her mother and in an attempt to copy and improve her mothers work.. It was the third clutch she experimented on, all but 8 of the 29 eggs were destroyed by the woman’s meddling. She hid the clutch in a dark, hot and sandy cavern of the bowels of the colony’s new home. To everyone else she lied and told them that the third clutch had died during her night watching them.

The first 25 eggs of the first clutch were brought out onto a large sandy area, heated to a foot burning heat by the lava deep below the surface. Now that their work was done the rest of the colonists moved to their new home, leaving Landing empty. Everything that could be moved was brought to the home they had made for themselves. Medicine seem to be the only thing that suffered the least in the move, although cooking thrived in new and exciting ways, as did the schooling of children. Candidates for the eggs were picked according to traits they displayed, although everyone would be welcome to watch the eggs hatch from the seats that had been erected permanently around what had come to be known as the Hatching Sands. When the First Hatching commenced, out of the 25 eggs, only 16 of the eggs hatched and chose their Riders either from those Candidates standing at the Sands or from Spectators watching from the Stands.

However, an accident occured after the Hatching, and when one of the unhatched eggs were opened to be autopsied by Geneticists to figure out what when wrong, it seemed that one of the eggs had a live occupant. Unbeknownst to the Geneticist who had initially used the scalpel to cut the supposedly dead hatchling, those few Geneticists were unprepared when what they thought to be a dead dragon was actually alive. The dragon, a Green, whose hide was scar-ridden was in a panic and out of fear and blind instinct was lashing out at anyone who came close to her. Unfortunately, as she, Eridyth, the Green dragon, was lashing out and calling for Hers, she accidentally gave her Rider a fatal injury. Thus what should have been a very momentous happy and triumphant occasion, was sadly coloured by the death of the first pair of dragon and rider.

For the moment 16 dragons of the first clutch are growing and carefully watched by the Geneticists as well as their Riders. Moreover, the second clutch of 16 eggs have been taken out of stasis and are now hardening on the sands. And as with the first clutch, Geneticists look for viable Candidates to stand for the Second Hatching.

Pern: Chronicles can offer

- No Character approval needed, except on those special or high ranking characters.
- A chance to help make a future for a new Pern and go through the trials and tribulations the first riders went through.
- A fun and exciting RP, which is all about having fun rather than how active you are. We understand that life can get in the way and we don't want to force you to have to RP with us, we want you to WANT to RP with us not feel like you HAVE to.
- Be a part of a fun and friendly group of friends or family, if you will, to experience Pern in a new way.

What are you waiting for?
Come and join the fun.
Help us create a new Pern.


Sun May 30, 2010 9:25 am by Rye

at least, on this board, anyway.

If you still check in on the site and are interested in picking back up, go ahead and post here! Plus! If you have any ideas or plots you're interested in seeing, post them here or PM me! Either way is cool.


Comments: 5


Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:06 am by Iskiea

Month 1

Day 1 of the fires
Thread falls over Caldera early morning
Adrienne goes into labour early morning
Bushfire appears mid afternoon
By the evening many properties are lost and many have been evacuated to the Weyr.
Caldera becomes officially known as Caldera Weyr.

Day 2 of the fires
Early morning Alika goes into labour one month early..
Death toll from fire unclear but despite best …

[ Full reading ]

Comments: 0

Male Candidates Only..

Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:37 am by Iskiea

As of today and until our ratios even back out again I will be refusing all female candidates created from this day forwards.. Unless of course pre-approved by me under special circumstances..

The goal would be to have a ratio of:
3:1 ... 3 males for every 1 female.

Comments: 0

Future Jnr Weyrwoman [or Weyrman] of Cibola

Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:36 am by Iskiea

Alright now that Sashike has won hands down the position of being future Weyrwoman of Cibola.. it's time to decide which gold [or crimson] rider is going to follow her and become her 2nd..

Remember can't vote for your own rider...

Comments: 1

Future Weyrwoman [or Weyrman] of Cibola Weyr

Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:33 pm by Iskiea

The woman [or man] to lead Cibola Weyr will be chosen by the people.. The Weyrleader will be decided during the flight..

Please be aware the rider to come in second will also be sent to Cibola as a "second"

Also some rules.. You can't vote for your own riders.. and please vote for the person you see as being best for Cibola; rather than personal preference or basing it on colour or physical …

[ Full reading ]

Comments: 1

Fighting Thread and a New Weyr

Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:22 am by Iskiea

Yes now that the second hatching dragons have matured they will all fly for the first time against thread.

I know I haven't changed it over to Month 12.. but it is..

Now ever since Mikhael taught them to go *between* in Month 6[Early Winter] he and Sean have been teaching them everything they know about formation flying against thread. When the Future Riders came; they did many many wingdrills together; …

[ Full reading ]

Comments: 1

One for the Riders..

Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:35 pm by Iskiea

Alrighty now.. All of those who have impressed or already have dragons need to do this..

This is the official Dragon Profile sheet. This attaches to the bottom of your normal sheet; so just edit it in.. This is what need to be filled out for all the riders too keep our character sheets uniform.. It also makes it easier..


[b][u]DRAGON PROFILE[/u][/b]

[ Full reading ]

Comments: 1

New Layout

Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:20 pm by Iskiea

Yep I changed the layout.. This one feels much warmer and happier than the old one.. Now I know there are some colours of dragons that don't show up quite as well anymore. That's fine; I'm allowing you to darken them if needed.. Hope you all like the new change..

Comments: 2

Please do not edit my posts

Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:54 am by Iskiea

I know you all are trying to help; but please do not edit my posts. unless I have a footnote in there saying that it's okay do not touch them... It throws me something shocking to come home and check things and to find things in my posts that weren't there before and things that were there before missing.. So please.. just don't touch them unless I say you can..

Thank you..

Comments: 2

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