Pern: Chronicles
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Current Pass
1st Pass

11 AL (After Landing)

Early Summer

Month 13

Summer has finally come around again. Temperatures are expected to range from a high of 80°F (26°C) to a low of 65°F (18°C) making this summer warmer than normal. On some days you can expect a light cool breeze and evening are quickly warming up.


Caldera Weyr


Adrienne of Gold Galateath


M'kael of Bronze Zharath

Cibola Weyr



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Current Events

14 of Galateath's 16 eggs hatch healthy and find partners. Congratulations.

This summer is warming up to be a hot one; as temperature are already warmer than normal.

Delanth has lain a clutch of 8 eggs; how many will hatch and will they be healthy.

Congratulations to the newest searched candidates.

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are Copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967-2009, all rights reserved. The Dragonriders of Pern® is Reg U.S. Pat & Tm. Office, by Anne McCaffrey, and may not be used or reproduced without permission of the author.

All content herein are Copyright © 2009 Pern: Chronicles. Characters are Copyright © to their respective authors.
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Emiline Färber: Rider: Female

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Emiline Färber: Rider: Female Empty Emiline Färber: Rider: Female

Post by Syleni Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:26 am

Name: Emiline Färber
Please note, she is German and her name is pronounced in the German fashion. Therefore not Emileen, but rather Em-i-li-nuh. Färber is a bit like Feyr-ber
Nickname: Emi
Emiline Färber: Rider: Female Emiline

Age: 24, spring birthday season.

Gender: Female.

Distinguishing features: Small burn scar on inside of left ankle. Childhood accident.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: The blue/gray/geen form of Hazel eyes.

Description: Perhaps it is a good thing that Emi is such a short woman, for her generous curves might make her too heavy to ride a dragon properly were she much taller. Not precisely fat and certainly not dumpy, her stature and round cheeks have nonetheless earned her some unkind nicknames in the past (even her brother calls her a "Garden Gnome" sometimes, which is certainly unflattering.) Her dark brown hair contains a few subtle hints of a reddish tone, and while it's normally worn straight it can have a tendency to get a bit textured or fly away if it gets wet or in the rain. Her cheeks have a tendency to redden when she's excited, had a glass of wine, or in the wind. Her eyes are her best features with thick, dark lashes and a lovely shape. Emi isn't precisely a lovely lady in the most classical sense of the word, but she is very charming. She has a comfortable look that belies the utterly competent person she is.

Personality: Friendly and forthright, she gets on well with most people she meets but in a typical German fashion she numbers her close friendships as a very few. At first blush she may not appear particularly remarkable, but she has a quiet and efficient way of dealing with problems before many are even aware of them and she is one of the most genuinely capable people one is ever likely to meet. Around friends she can be very relaxed and enjoys a good song, joke, or a drink or two. She enjoys gardening and has been experimenting on a hobby-ist level with what Terran blooming plants she can get to flourish in Pernese soil.

History: Emi was 14 when her father, Nick Färber, signed himself and his family up for the Pern colonization project. As a mechanical engineer his skills were in demand. His wife, Elise, is a botanist and was also quite eager to use her skills on a new planet. Elise managed to impart her love of growing things to her children, though Emi's fascination stops at gardening and never makes it under the microscope. Emi has one brother and one sister, Hans and Ilse. Emi was drawn towards health care, but she quickly found that she enjoyed hands on patient care more than she did theoretical medicine and she stopped her education at the nursing level. She is fascinated by the movements towards more sustainable medicine based on supplies and equipment readily available on their new planet, and reads anything she can get her hands on pertaining to that subject. Emi also does volunteer work, caring for the younger children of some of the few German-Pernese families and imparting a knowledge of the German language to them. With so few speakers it's likely the language will die out in the long run, but she's determined it won't happen entirely while she's alive.

After arriving at the colony, Emiline met a childhood aquaintance, Deran, with whom she quickly established a sexual relationship. The two were surprised to find out that they were pregnant shortly thereafter. Emiline gave birth to a son, Kai, and made the difficult decision to cease breastfeeding shortly after birth in order to hopefully salvage her candidacy. The geneticists infamously refused her and several other candidates entry despite this measure. However, Delyth came to the stands and impressed Emiline where she stood as a spectator.

Dragon Description

Name: Delyth [del-ith]
Colour: Green
Age: Hatchling
Description: An average sized green from amongs the other greens. However, she is still fairly larger than her green clutchmates. She is a green reminiscent of the green grass of old Earth. She has a mint green mask cover half of her head and a dark green tail tip. She has greenish yellow wing sails with golden yellow splotches at the edges. A very average 11ft long.
Personality: Naïve : Innocent. Obsequious [obedient; dutiful.]
Colour Code: #4DBD33
Motto: Don't laugh at anyone's dreams.
Rider: Emiline

Delyth was born in the second clutch. Her chosen, Emiline, was not on the sands due to her recent birth. Not to be thwarted, the little dragonet marched to the base of the stands and waited for Emiline to come down to her.

Her first few days of life were somewhat anxious due to her preoccupation with being 'good.' Her first encounter with the infant Kai seemed to have boosted her confidence, however. If she is 'good' enough to be trusted around something her Own feels so important, clearly she is a very good dragon indeed.

Pets (limit of four)

Name: Schatzi

Species: Firelizard

Breed: Blue
Age: 9 Months Old [Autumn 9 AL]

Description: Schatzi is a lovely little blue with delicate features, inquisitive swirling eyes, and a long and graceful muzzle. In some ways he is very green like, but he's a mischievous little boy from the tip of his nose to the end of his long, whip like tail. His hide is a dark and rather unsaturated blue- a bite slate like. He doesn't precisely have points but there is some very slightly deeper pigmentation on the end of his nose and tail.

Personality: In one word: a clown. He's into everything, bright, more intelligent perhaps than most blues but that natural advantage is all but negated by his clownish attitude. He likes people, however, and is quick to try to make amends if one of his little pranks gets him on someone's bad side. He absolutely adores Emi's mother. A funny story- shortly after Emi impressed the little creature, her mother came to visit. Despite Emi's plan to give the blue a dignified name, Elise insisted on calling him "Schatzi" (sweetie or cutie in German.) Eventually it stuck, and the rest is history.

Posts : 99
Join date : 2009-07-11

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